Reddit is one of the biggest discussion platforms on the internet - after all, it did kill the message board. You can create a ‘subreddit’ or what we in the bad old days called a ‘message board subsection’ to talk about anything. And I mean anything. You can talk about the National Football League, ask whether you’re an asshole/practice your creative writing, ask for legal advice, whether COVID vaccines are a product of the saucer people, or hating Grandpa Joe from the 1970s film Charlie And The Chocolate Factory.
You can talk about literally anything. Except one thing. Well, one thing and a few things related to that one thing.
That ‘thing’ is homosexuality.
Want to talk about how much you hate an obscure non-player character in a Pokemon game? Go nuts. Want to post endless violent pornography (which I won’t link)? Go ahead. But you can’t have an open and free, nor frank discussion about homosexuality. None of the mainstream ‘LGBT’ subreddits allow people who are exclusively attracted to the same sex - which is, frankly, everyone’s understanding of what homosexuality is, even trans rights activists, who say one thing in the streets and another between the sheets. Talking about homosexuality will get you banned. Creating your own lesbian subreddit for homosexuals after the ‘main’ subreddit, ‘actual lesbians’ became full of doughy men bragging about their gender euphoria girlcock lesbianism? Well, ‘truelesbians’ copped a ban for ‘promoting hate’. Gay men aren’t exempt - ‘truegaymen’ was banned nine months ago for the same reason - ‘promoting hate’.
God forbid, either, that you have view that the alphabet soup is ridiculous, and that perhaps, we should return to the original acronym. ‘LGBDroptheT’ which argued that sexual orientation has nothing to do with gender identity and the lesbian and gay liberation movement had nothing to do with gender identity also received a ban for ‘promoting hate’. Such actions echo the threatening mantras directed at organizations like LGB Alliance that ‘there is no LGB without the T’ - which is often accompanied by a torrent of homophobic abuse.
The supposed ‘LGBT subreddits’ are more like a message board version of the film Get Out than safe spaces for lesbian and gay people.
A year on from the massive ban wave on Reddit that was driven by a small cabal of well-connected users, and you still can’t discuss homosexuality on Reddit.
Hell, you can be right-wing and post on ‘r/conservative’, but ‘rightwinglgbt’ was banned. That’s right - Reddit thinks that LGBT people who might be right-wing shouldn’t have a platform, because it might ‘promote hate’. What hate? Who knows. This is particularly problematic when supposedly gay-focused subreddits (which are mostly run by straight people identifying otherwise), which ban anyone who expresses an opinion that isn’t expressly worshipful of communism. Turns out being a homosexual to the right of Josef Stalin these days is hateful and you shouldn’t be discussing it on Reddit.
I’m not right-wing - but I am a homosexual, and shouldn’t I be free to discuss or hold any political view I want? When did my sexual orientation become a political orientation? When was it decided that the freedom to hold any belief didn’t apply to me because I like eating pussy? My choice at the ballot box doesn’t determine my sexuality.
Reddit’s ban on the homosexual is, well, an issue, to put it mildly - you can discuss anything there, except the basic, easily observable fact that lesbians do not have a penis, never have had penises, and will never have penises - unless you’re posting on ‘r/lesbian’ which is a pornography subreddit for straight men, where lesbians don’t have penises. An actual biological female who’s attracted to solely biological females, though? Well, you’re not a straight guy jacking off, so fuck you.
It’s not just Reddit, either. Reddit’s ban on homosexuality is symptomatic of a wider problem with ‘diversity and inclusion’ or ‘banning hate’. Reddit is just following a trend. Too often, both those things are being directed by upper-middle class heterosexuals (whether they identify that way or not), telling everyone else what ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’ really mean. This often amounts to either including them in categories of people where they don’t belong - like our aforementioned doughy straight men claiming to be lesbians, or centering their saintly guilt over the actions of ancestors they probably can’t even name e.g, Robin DeAngelo. In the process, ‘diversity and inclusion’ creates outcomes where lesbians and gays are banned from discussing their lives on the 7th most popular website in the United States. That’s not diversity and inclusion, that’s just plain old homophobia.
A year on from the initial ban waves, will Reddit repudiate its homophobic actions? Can it change? Or will homosexuality continue to be considered ‘promoting hate’ for excluding heterosexuals wanting to wear our skin?
Author’s note: This article was updated shortly after publication to include a discussion of ‘LGB Drop The T’.
Similar restrictions exist on Metafilter; neither front page posts nor comments may offend any gender identity or trans rights activists and are subject to removal by staff.
As an oppressed group, gay men and lesbians SHOULD have the right to speak about their lives and challenges without the presence of the very people who oppress them. Most people assume that it's only conservative Christians who express anti-gay views, but the most vocal and aggressive homophobia is now coming from the woke left. Transgender ideology has promoted the idea that no one has the "right" to reject a sex partner based on their biological sex because someone's biological sex might not match their "authentic" gender.
This magical thinking has been FORCED upon the public to the point that legislation has been drafted to categorize all statements that contradict trans ideology as "hate speech". Gay men are not allowed to reject a woman who thinks she is a gay man trapped in a woman's body. Lesbians are not allowed to exclude men who claim to be women. No woman is allowed to maintain her safety, privacy, and dignity in public bathrooms and changing rooms because it might hurt the feelings of one of these Very Special Wrong-body People.
There is NO PROOF WHATSOEVER that anyone is transgender. You ARE your body. There is no logic to the concept of being born in the wrong body. Most importantly, no amount of cosmetic surgery or chemical intervention can change the sex of a human being. Gender dysphoria IS a mental illness, no matter how it is officially categorized, and it is actually very RARE. Discomfort at puberty is not gender dysphoria, it is the universal discomfort that MOST people experience during their growth stage from child to adult. Suddenly treating puberty like a disease is absurd. The treatments- puberty blockers that are actually off-label chemotherapy drugs- are extremely harmful and have long-lasting permanent side effects. Children are being poisoned in what are essentially medical experiments. Young girls are having their breasts removed with very little resistance from parents and doctors.
We are not allowed to speak out about this without being accused of transphobia. We need to speak out anyway, against the most mendacious "movement" in the history of civil rights. The mainstream media is refusing to acknowledge the truth- a massive portion of the "trans community" is actually comprised of heterosexual, bisexual, and homosexual men performing submissive kink roles (look up sissy hypno porn), heterosexual men using trans protection laws to violate the boundaries of women in our intimate spaces, and "incels" calling themselves lesbians in an attempt to guilt-trip bisexual and lesbian women into dating them (look up transmaxxing).
Transgenderism is a bad faith movement. All support for it should be withdrawn, with the exception of mental health treatment for the truly dysphoric. Everyone who is same-sex attracted is already protected from discrimination by the protections for gay men and lesbians that have been in place for years. Creating an umbrella protection that allows cross-dressing rapists and pedophiles to gain access to women and children is an appalling travesty of the original goals of the LGB movement. It's time to drop the T. We owe no consideration to the feelings of predators.