And haven't the Swedes now dropped these therapies for the same reasons?

SEGM gives a short summary of Sweden's just released new guidelines.

No more puberty blockers and hormones and focus on psychotherapy except for extreme cases.



Archive: https://archive.ph/H660X

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Once again Sue Donym provides an authentic, articulated view in a field where so much is dogmatized-- on all sides. She demonstrates the capacity for an individual voice when the culture is assuming each into a political orientation.

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Here here.

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Wow, quite along article, but well worth reading, and also well worth clicking on all the links for more information. Very well argued.

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Sue, I adore your writing. Great piece, as always. I am deeply saddened by the ROGD phenomenon, but with time, I'm sure Canada (where I'm from) and the US will get to where Sweden now is. For the sake of these children, I hope things move quickly.

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Excellent analysis! We truly are in upside down times.

Here's another very recent piece to add to your superb refutation of the ACLU's lying response:

Based on the results that have emerged, the National Board of Health and Welfare's overall conclusion is that the risks of puberty-inhibiting and gender-affirming hormone therapy for those under the age of 18 are currently outweighing the possible benefits for the group as a whole. - (https://www.socialstyrelsen.se/om-socialstyrelsen/pressrum/press/uppdaterade-rekommendationer-for-hormonbehandling-vid-konsdysfori-hos-unga/

(it's in Swedish, but it can be translated by most browsers)

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Those under 18, likely really those under 25 hardly know who they really are. Adopting attributes of their opposite sex might help them because the "feel different" or often, because they feel they must explain themselves to cruel peers or simple adoration of their opposite. No matter, these are transients of growing up, something adults seem to have forgotten. Gender affirming procedures do affect them for life something the young can barely anticipate. Who can know who they are at such an age. They should be allowed to experiment with their choices maybe they really are same sex attracted but can't find partners like themselves in a peer pool so small. Some things simply take time, please allow them that time.

Adults know all this, the queer communities know as well as does the trans community. Why do they wish to place these kids at risk via an irreversible procedure?

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This is brilliant, thank you!!!

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