"The Holy Penis"--that is indeed what this is all about! And the government, mostly male, clearly appreciate that viewpoint!

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I'm not sure what I can say to make you feel better or contribute some deeper assessment except this: people are watching, listening and thinking as a result of what you and others write. I've been reading SD's articles for a long time, as well as many others, and I went to the great TERF rally of March 2023 to hear KJKM speak. This was the result of your activism and that of others, so please know this: WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS WORKING. For every person who puts up their hand there are a dozen who agree but are afraid to say what they think. The gender war will be won, but it will take time.

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I've tried to wake up a lesbian couple that I once boarded with. Wilful blindness. I was accused of only reading "right wing media" when I mentioned men in women's spaces. I told them I get most of this from feminist blogs. Because who else cares about female prisoners. They refuse to discuss the topic or read more about it. They claim JKR is a bigot because they trust a friend that told them that. They live in a hippy neighbourhood where they trans their kids for status. They know it's fucked but would rather stay blind (or woke I guess).

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Thank you for another excellent post! It's all very predictable and yet I am still in shock about how male supremacy and oppression of Lesbians is SO much more obvious than it used to be and increasing. It's especially sad and upsetting about Aotearoa/New Zealand because when I visited there in 1983, women only space was not only accepted but there was LESBIAN ONLY, which we rarely had in the US.

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"Holy penis", "bepenised". How fun. I'm in the camp of male/females have nominally unique thought patterns. Then I assert gay/lesbians have a different thought pattern. The cross dressed "transwomen" might imagine a female thought pattern, but none I've known do, it's more male. That often is reflective in their clothing choices skewing toward the way men would like females to dress in some caricature of femaleness and the idiocy of Mulvany prancing about the house in some exaggerated way. BTW that's not all cross dressers, many go to great lengths to minimize appearance and attention - modest chest enhancement to fit a male frame. I've not known any transmen so can't really address that. I do see that young females deciding to appear male do wish to hide their breasts despite many chubby males with moobs.

Not sure why we think we must cater to a distinct minority. Nor why anybody would wish to join a group where they are not welcomed. But the entire trans business seems intended to force acceptance just because they can. It's anti-freedom following the newspeak 1984 dogma - control of language.

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