Trying to get some questions answered - via an X campaign. Like, for example, why is it OK to talk about raping lesbians on Reddit, but it isn't OK for lesbians to have their own space?
Thank you for writing about this. You are so right that the online world crosses with the real one more and more. We need to be louder about advocating for lesbian-only spaces — both online and offline.
You are not alone in your feelings about how lesbophobic the world is. The lesbophobia coming from the trans community and their "allies" is stratospheric. It is also infuriating that it can come from other lesbians too (who often name themselves queer nonbinary). I can't figure out why lesbians adopt such self destructive ideas. I've encountered lesbians who think men can undergo a magical alteration and turn into women and should then take ownership of women’s rights and lesbian spaces. I've read extraordinarily ludicrous, or hate filled things, about lesbians on Reddit. Here are a few: "gold star lesbians should fuck off and die", "enjoying sex with men doesn't mean you're not a lesbian" (?!), "anyone can be a lesbian, it's an inclusive umbrella term" (jaysus), and "stop policing who can and can't be a lesbian". My conclusion is that the queer trans ideology has convinced even lesbians that it is fine to treat lesbians in a vile manner. Of course there is always going to be disagreements within communities. But, the overflowing of hatred towards lesbians by everyone in the trans queer cult is absolutely extraordinary. The queerbies and the trans target lesbians with an especially vitriolic distain. So, don't worry that you are alone in being enraged by the poisonous attitudes coming at lesbians. (I haven't even started on all the threats made to terfs or talked about all the appalling pornographic awfulness about lesbians). I will follow you on xitter.
At this point it’s nothing short of psychological warfare, gaslighting women and especially lesbians. The misogyny is not even hidden anymore. Bonkers.
Weeks ago I emailed Reddit’s media contact and asked them if they could comment on Reddit’s censorship of women’s voices. They didn’t respond. It’s time they get sued.
They won't care until it hits them in the pocketbook or attracts a swathe of incredibly negative media attention, I agree - look at what happened when CNN found out about /r/jailbait, /rapingdeadwomen, etc. It's time for some more negativity, I think.
On X and Fb I constantly see random accounts make jokes about lesbian-looking men, they toss off remarks with lesbian-as-scapegoat and get lots of likes w/ laughing emojis. I address it with them, women and men both tell me it's a joke, lighten up. It's rampant.
Thank you for writing about this. You are so right that the online world crosses with the real one more and more. We need to be louder about advocating for lesbian-only spaces — both online and offline.
Thank you. I don't have Twitter, but I will be sharing this in other spaces.
The more eyeballs, the more chance Reddit explains this state of affairs. Let's go.
Consider me on board!! This state of affairs absolutely boils my piss!!
We can do this, sister.
Reposted the lot, my darling!
You are not alone in your feelings about how lesbophobic the world is. The lesbophobia coming from the trans community and their "allies" is stratospheric. It is also infuriating that it can come from other lesbians too (who often name themselves queer nonbinary). I can't figure out why lesbians adopt such self destructive ideas. I've encountered lesbians who think men can undergo a magical alteration and turn into women and should then take ownership of women’s rights and lesbian spaces. I've read extraordinarily ludicrous, or hate filled things, about lesbians on Reddit. Here are a few: "gold star lesbians should fuck off and die", "enjoying sex with men doesn't mean you're not a lesbian" (?!), "anyone can be a lesbian, it's an inclusive umbrella term" (jaysus), and "stop policing who can and can't be a lesbian". My conclusion is that the queer trans ideology has convinced even lesbians that it is fine to treat lesbians in a vile manner. Of course there is always going to be disagreements within communities. But, the overflowing of hatred towards lesbians by everyone in the trans queer cult is absolutely extraordinary. The queerbies and the trans target lesbians with an especially vitriolic distain. So, don't worry that you are alone in being enraged by the poisonous attitudes coming at lesbians. (I haven't even started on all the threats made to terfs or talked about all the appalling pornographic awfulness about lesbians). I will follow you on xitter.
At this point it’s nothing short of psychological warfare, gaslighting women and especially lesbians. The misogyny is not even hidden anymore. Bonkers.
Weeks ago I emailed Reddit’s media contact and asked them if they could comment on Reddit’s censorship of women’s voices. They didn’t respond. It’s time they get sued.
They won't care until it hits them in the pocketbook or attracts a swathe of incredibly negative media attention, I agree - look at what happened when CNN found out about /r/jailbait, /rapingdeadwomen, etc. It's time for some more negativity, I think.
KiwiFarms is a safer place to be a lesbian than Reddit.
On X and Fb I constantly see random accounts make jokes about lesbian-looking men, they toss off remarks with lesbian-as-scapegoat and get lots of likes w/ laughing emojis. I address it with them, women and men both tell me it's a joke, lighten up. It's rampant.