Thanks so much for the hard work that went into compiling this. It is great to have your bright light shone upon the baseless claims made in the UK - even by leading politicians. Bravo.

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Thanks for this piece of sheer honest brilliance. No wonder you were banned from Medium for it, my own piece on their platform was not a tenth so well researched and damning, but it got me suspended anyhow, it's far and away no neutral platform. I'm going to be reading your piece five or six times it's so rich and informative. Not on Twitter but I'll be linking on FB

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Impressive piece - both because of the depth of its research and its clear compelling presentation. I wish more people could read this.

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That was some article!! Co.pletely validates Helen Joyce's Trans while going much deeper into the nitty gritty of it. Thank you for all that research!! Argued with a Berkeley type last week how Trans committ suicide AFTER Transitioning, not before!

NOT a Civil Rights Movement!! Anti democratic dark money behind it all!!

- FeistyAmazon

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When did this become a community that you had to get membership to? Seriously, when did this become the official language of being gay? When I was a baby dyke, you WERE lesbian. you WERE gay. Not a "MEMBER of lesbian". We had community, and "community" referred to that shared experience, for example of the bar scene in London. You didnt sit at home on your lonesome to be a "member". What other identity works like this? You can BE blind, does this make you a "Member of the blind community". Writing that example, it seems to me that "Community" suggests something you "Decide" to identify into. Since "blind" isn't something you choose, it is not a community. Does "member of the LGBT community" mean we have regressed to the idea that Sexual Orientation is a CHOICE?

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I'd really recommend looking at Pritzker's donations (https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?contributor_name=jennifer+pritzker). Last year alone she's donated to each of the 3 largest parties in the US (Dems, Repubs, Libertarians). She also donated to both candidates for the 2016 Illinois senate race. What's her game? Is she doing it with the aim of getting a return favour from each candidate, regardless of who wins? I don't think it's accurate that she supported Trump in 2020, she donated not to him but to Biden, and was quite angry about the trans military ban. She has also donated to LPAC, originally a PAC for lesbians, now described as being for "LGBTQ women" (the word "lesbian" does not occur on the front page), so kind of in line with the pattern you mentioned.

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The right wing has been wanting to create an 'extreme' far left to take the heat off racists, skinheads and the kkk from the extreme right wing. Not just racists but also the wars for profit, capitalism, neoliberalism, ecocide, all embraced by the right wing and opposed by the left.

The right wing came up with the term alt-left:

"As for the “alt-left,” researchers who study extremist groups say there is no such thing. Mark Pitcavage, an analyst at the Anti-Defamation League, told the New York Times that it “refers to no actual group or movement or network” and had been created as a term to make a false equivalence between the far right and left." - https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/term-alt-left-came

The transgender astroturf by oligarchs created an 'extreme' left for people to hate. Males that bully girls and women on sports, restrooms, prisons and expect everyone to play along with their gender dysphoria.

If there's an extreme left wing, it stands for ending world hunger, imperialism, wars, capitalism, ecocide, neocolonialism, patriarchy...

The democrats are not leftists just because they claim to support the rights of women and LGBT since they bomb those same people in several parts of the world.

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Following up on Bob Gilchrist's appreciative posting, and as someone based in the UK also, new to research in this area, do you know what amounts and by which US or other international organisations, have been paid to UK entities promoting the TRA agenda?

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The HRC has a long list of corporate partners, most of them not pharma corps. Occam's razor would suggest the motivation is similar for the various types of corporations, rather than one motivation for the medical corps and another for the rest. Perhaps they do it because they think it makes them more attractive to potential LGBT employees. Perhaps it is a reflection of the sensitivities of the elite. After civil rights, feminism and gay rights, not many outside religious fundamentalist circles, no-one wants to be a bigot on the wrong side of history. The coupling of T to LGB has been quite effective here, as if you are against "trans rights", you can said to be against "LGBT rights", with the implication (sometimes right but often wrong) of being a homophobe.

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It seems like conjugated oestrogens like Premarin and Prempro aren't actually used for MTF HRT anymore? (https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.psc.2016.10.006) So I think the connection to Pfizer isn't quite the smoking gun.

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Nonsensical Blather

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Thank you for your well argued and elegant refutation.

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Sep 6, 2022
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Both “activists/extremist” groups are potential useful idiots for mid level violence in political warfare. Which is what the NGOs, oligarchs, /philanthropocidal sociopaths, intel agents, UNESCO (emotional social learning: ESL, IS CHILD ABUSE)and government are paying for. The queer theorists make this plain in there own scholarly (sophist) papers. ⚧️🔥💣

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