Top 6 Myths About Trans Kids
Join us as we bust six of the biggest myths about trans kids. Number 5 will surprise you!
There are a lot of myths about trans kids on the internet these days! Here’s 6 of the BIGGEST myths you’ll see about trans kids on the internet, and why they’re wrong!
1. Trans kids know who they are at a young age, and they become trans adults.
This isn’t true! A 2021 study recently replicated older findings that very few kids who say they’re trans grow up to be trans - no matter how insistent they are. This study found that only 12% of the young men it studied persisted in identifying as trans in adulthood - something many studies have found across both sexes, as the rate of ‘desistance’ ranges from 61-89% depending on study! Even then, some may still detransition as adults - and detransition is on the rise! This isn’t a choice a child can make, because like, they’re kids, you know? Why would you ask a ten-year old to make fertility decisions? Some people are just, like, totally wacked out, right?
The vast majority of ‘trans kids’ don’t grow up to be trans. They’re way more likely to grow up to be lesbian or gay! Which leads us into our next myth…
2. Trans kids and sexuality have nothing to do with each other!
A lot of people these days will tell you that gender identity and sexuality are separate! You can be trans and gay, for example! But that’s just not true! Particularly for trans kids. Studies on trans kids show that the vast majority are attracted to the sex they were born as.
A 2012 study of referrals of trans kids to a clinic in Britain found the majority were attracted to the same sex! A 2021 study following up boys were identified as trans kids in childhood found that 63.6% had desisted and grow up to be gay or bisexual men!
In fact the majority of trans kids desist and grow up into lesbians, gays, and bisexuals! That very same clinic in Britain had clinicians get in trouble for pointing out to their bosses that what they were doing might very well be conversion therapy on young lesbian, gay, and bisexual people, and they worried that parents were pushing a trans identity on their young gay and lesbian kids as a form of conversion therapy.
I mean, think about it? Like, if you take a young person who is attracted to the same sex, and encourage them to live as the opposite sex, sterilize them with drugs and surgery, then you have a sterile ‘straight’ person instead of a gay person! If doing that sounds really homophobic, that’s because it is! Like, oh my God!
People will say you can be trans, and gay or lesbian! But think about it! Someone who was born male, identifies as female, but is attracted to females, is, at the end of the day, a heterosexual male! If it involves a penis going into a vagina, that’s not gay! That’s straight!
End of discussion, right? Lesbians don’t have pensies, and gay men don’t have vaginas, that seems obvious, right? Who could possible think otherwise? Anyone who is capable of believing that probably bought horse medication to treat COVID, they’re that stupid.
3. All medical professionals agree that gender affirming health care works for trans kids!
Actually, there’s a big debate about this! ‘Gender affirming care’ as it stands now was only developed by a group of Dutch scientists in 2006, working with a very small group of young people diagnosed with ‘gender dysphoria’. Some countries, like Sweden, have actually rolled back progressive policies on gender care, because of the lack of evidence. France’s National Academy of Medicine recently advised doctors in France to act with caution, as further research is needed. There’s actually heated debate!
That might be because even proponents of child transition admit in their scientific papers that evidence so far is lacking for the safety of this medicine, or that Lupron, the brand name drug used to block puberty has been linked to causing osteoporosis in teenagers! Imagine supporting giving osteoporosis to teenagers because they didn’t conform to gender stereotypes? It’s like some sort of modern day Tuskegee Experiment!
4. But everyone knows that gender affirming care for kids is safe!
Gender affirming care has not been proven to be safe! In fact, in this 2014 study following outcomes of gender affirming care, a young trans woman died after vaginoplasty because of ‘post surgical necrotizing fasciitis’. What does that medical mumbo jumbo mean? It means that young person died in agonizing pain of an infection that caused parts of their body to rot away.
Gross! And horrifying! Imagine rotting away slowly after a surgery that was totally medically unnecessary! Next thing you know, anyone supporting that will be guzzling ivermectin and refusing vaccines!
But death is just one side effect of gender affirming care! Many doctors have concerns that ‘puberty blockers’ might cause issues with bone growth in young people. In no way has it been proven to be safe - in fact, it looks more to be the opposite! If you support the science - like we did with vaccines, why support child transition? Anyone who knows science would understand that prescribing off-label drugs to children for an experimental treatment protocol that could cause osteoporosis and will cause sterility is absolutely monstrous, right?
5. Trans kids can preserve their fertility with gender affirming care.
This is a big myth, and you see it a lot! But it’s not true! Basic biology can explain this - in mammals, sexual maturity is required for the gonads (that’s your balls, or your ovaries) to produce gametes (your eggs or sperm). With puberty blockers, those drugs stop that natural process! Some people who are a bit older before being ‘gender-affirmed’ can freeze sperm, or eggs, but many cannot! Extracting eggs can also be a painful and extremely unpleasant experience! On top of that, you have to pay for storage, and for many people, that’s not covered by their insurance.
Any therapy to preserve fertility in young people who never go through natural puberty is completely experimental and unproven. Don’t take my word for it: scientists working on the TransYouth project, funded by the government, said exactly the same thing as they were researching it! As it turns out, if you don’t have mature gonads, you can’t reproduce. Why would anyone believe otherwise? Pretty dumb, huh? I mean, you learn that in elementary school.
6. None of what you said matters, because trans kids will kill themselves without ‘gender-affirming’ care
Not true! In fact, one of the most famous trans suicide statistics - that 41% of trans people will attempt suicide - is based on an old 2008 survey that used a bad sample!
That 41% suicide statistic comes from a report done in 2014, based on data from 2008 in the National Transgender Discrimination Survey. Here is a link to the William’s Institute report. On the third page of the study, they say that figure is an over-estimate, and they don’t know the true figure! In fact, the fantastic people over at Transgender Trend did a great investigation of this that found that most studies on the suicide issue have very small sample sizes, convenience samples, or other methodological problems!
In fact, gender-affirming care might actually increase suicide rates in people who get it! This Swedish study found that deaths from suicide remained elevated even after receiving ‘gender-affirming care’. And it’s one of the only studies we have!
Simply put, all the evidence we have says that gender-affirming care doesn’t fix the problem - and we don’t have much evidence to say that it does!
Remember, always be skeptical of what you read! These six myths are everywhere, and they’re not true! Young gay kids are UNDER THREAT. Share this article to spread the word, and stop conversion therapy!
Fuck listicles.
This is the greatest use of the listicle format ever. Please pitch it to BuzzFeed, it would inform so many people about this important issue.
Don't tell me you buy into the whole "Ivermectin is for horses" mythology. Or is this just bad satire? in which case who is it for?