Porn subreddits are the only subreddits that are allowed to openly exclude trans "women". They know what a woman is when they're jerking off. All subreddits like /r/truelesbians have been banned, but subreddits like /r/DegradingHoles - which has more than a million subscribers - are allowed to openly proclaim themselves "cis women only" and ban TIMs. You're only allowed to acknowledge what women are in the context of degrading, abusing, and dehumanizing them. Exactly what I would expect from Reddit, which is one of the most putrid, worthless fecal stains on the internet and always has been.

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This is unbelievable but it's true.

'Cis Women Only'

Not allowed for rape crisis centres where we can heal but allowed for bastards who want to rape and know exactly who they're targeting.

Says it all

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Thank you for this. Horrific. I've been a Lesbian Separatist since 1972 because I love Lesbians, and men are disgusting and dangerous, but what is even more upsetting than all the evil they do is that so many women and Lesbiand are helping them. I will never understand why, but then women line up to marry serial rapists/killers who are in prison, like Ted Bundy.

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Dec 16
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Oh no, those evil feminists with their plan in 1970...that banned... oh... beating your wife and martial rape? Truly, they were the most hijacky conspiracy of feminists ever, with their awful beliefs that beating your wife and martial rape isn't OK. If that's 'endless violent oppression against men', I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

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No, you have no idea what I've been doing. We ARE Feminism and are fighting against patriarchy, which includes the male plan to destroy the earth after first marking it endlessly.

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Dec 17
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Where are you talking about? What banner and manifesto, where? I have no idea what the "Uniparty" is, but Lesbian Feminists made some of the best changes ever for so many Lesbians and women, and have been my community since that time, and are now being erased by the men of the trans cult.

You sound deranged, as men who hate Lesbians often are, but that's no excuse to slander our movement and culture. Saying no to men is not "endless legal terror."

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Edmund, you worthless little incel prick. It's been said before but your comments are clearly a lot of words that state, "No one will fuck me".

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Didn't you know that pornographers rule us now?

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“The coomers told you they must be allowed to jerk off at all costs. It was their final, most essential command.”

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That certainly seems the be the case. Anything that serves the almighty boners is totally cool and not a problem; anything that makes those boners sad is a hate crime and misandry!!

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Absolutely disgusting, I feel for you all. You're right on about these rape fantasies being written/posted by men, their language gives them away. I've said for years that everything seems to be geared to titillate men, adverts, photography in magazines, everything. With the advent of the internet and online porn, men's obsession with getting their rocks off has gone nuclear. Nowadays I say that (from what I've seen and read) there is NOTHING that some (thank God not all) men won't fetishise, nothing. In the UK, we used to have a very vocal and much derided older lady keen on censorship (Lord how she will be turning in her grave right now), called Mary Whitehouse. I'm known by friends as Mary Shitehouse. I am 💯 against queering society, lowering barriers, breaking through the " cotton ceiling" ( how f*cking disgusting, controlling and entitled that is )and allowing unfettered access to children. This has to stop .

Violence against women and children is on the rise. If it was the other way round, women objectifying/exploiting, attacking and physically harming/killing men, there'd be riots.

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Someone made a poll on that sub asking what gender identity people were and you're right, it was mostly MTF and men. Even the number of FTM was over double the amount of women.

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Wish I had something pithy to say, but observing true horror often leaves one speechless...

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I don’t attend Gay Pride parades but I happened to see one this year in my City. It was not a Gay Pride parade. It was a Trans Pride parade. I watched for about five minutes. Almost All Trans men (ie men saying they are women). A few Trans women. That is women believing they are men.

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I found the same thing. It didn’t take me long to figure out prevalent TIMs were in the lesbian subs. I finally found a hold out pocket that and it was made very clear that we were all required to …not refer to that community we are not to say the name of - trans “lesbians”. I did end up banned on that one but have no clue what I said to get banned. They don’t tell you, you just get banned. I was give. A hate speech warning for transphobia for talking to trans people about their ideas for activism. The trans people on that sub were getting dinged for hate speech on the reg. I’m on X now, never even used Twitter and find myself enjoying the nasty people because at least they are honest. Shutting down speech doesn’t make people only think one way. It just makes them shut up and hate you while they do it.

I’m pretty pissed that lesbian was redefined as non-man loving non-man and John Hopkins published that crap. They pulled it after enough people complained but I’ve still seen that shared as the “official” definition. Bullshit. I’m not a non-man. They have made two kind of people in the world, men and non-men. They call this enlightened. They think 1950s gender stereotypes makes them progressive.

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I only follow a couple of innocuous gaming subreddits. I poked into a detrans one but a mod popped up saying my post was against terms (mentioning eating disorders as a type of dysphoria too) 🤷‍♀️ Anyway, substack is shaping up to be a good place (so far) to discuss dyke stuff!

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« dyke incel » WTF ?!?!?

Thx for this piece. I bet it’ll soon be over with the social media’s share holders starting to pander to the Donald. Btw, I thank him for his willingness to « clean the swamp ».

France here : this is just the beginning for us unfortunately…

Thx again Sue and all my support to my lesbian sisters 💜💜💜

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I know this will be boring, but all social media sites descend into cesspools of melancholy, because the ecosystem always attracts trolls, and once attached to a channel they won’t go away. I’ve been watching the pattern for more than 45 years, since days of Usenet, where identically the same structure as Reddit existed - there were alt.sex<X Y Z> forums - and they were predictably hijacked over time, every time.

1) don’t use large commercial social media - you will be happier

2) if you want a social media space for lesbians, create one with some friends who are good with relatively modern tools, like Wordpress

3) place leads to the site on social media, but maintain careful control over participant postings, they must be 100% curated

I find the more galling problem is that public 1:1 social spaces for lesbians are invaded by trolls.

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Please just stop going to reddit.

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Reddit is one of the biggest social media sites, if not websites entirely, in the world. When it forbids homosexuals from speaking, yet allows people to write detailed fantasies about committing hate crimes against lesbians, that needs to be discussed.

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I should have been a lot more nuanced sorry so let me say I agree with your fundamental premise, it is shocking and a big corporate should do something about it.

But I have this feeling lately of pissing in the wind about the internet, and the cultural hegemony we live in still, notwithstanding notable gains against the ideology.

Whatever happens on the internet will happen and bubbles and cult like censorship bubbles will exist, and big corporations will do nothing about it. The lesson I am learning is that the media is the message and not to look back to understand it but face up to actually what it is.

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Unfortunately it frequently ends up having real-world consequences. Never give an inch to these perverted, sickening men. Their misogyny MUST be fought on every level and in all forms of media. #holdtheline

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I'm not against standing up for rights but the internet is a new media were only starting to appreciate.

First it's removed broadcast culture so it's harder to take back the narrative unless mainstream media outlets return to being journalistic as opposed to playing to an audience.

Second you will never be able to stop people gathering in online spaces. Check out how many discord sites or subreddits there are, think about how successful digital rights management has been in the context of the internet.

Somehow we need to keep alive some legitimate institutions that broadcast out to the population and keep other institutions like medicine in check. The key thing we've lost is journalism as a form, this keeps a check on institutions and also gives the allowable ideas people can hold (Overton window). The best move here might be paying a subscription to the best of mainstream, but given the general disaggregation in media this may not happen easily.

Strong public leaders is the other key variable. But you're pissing in the wind relying on social media companies to do anything. That's not what they are and censorship doesn't work, in fact is dangerous.

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